Building & Shaft at Leroy Gold Mine, Johns Hopkins Inlet, Glacier Bay. |
Leslie Parker, Genevieve White, Glen Parker, Leroy Mining Co. miners & Waldo Nicodemus in front of compressor building just left of "East Adit" shaft opening. Click for behind the scenes story...
In 1941/42, Dorthy White, Genevieve White, Waldo Nicodemus and Bernice Aune were freshmen at the Northwest Bible Institute in Seattle Washington. Waldo Nicodemus was freshman class President, and Bernice Aune was freshman Secretary-Treasurer.
During the 1942 college summer break, sisters Dorothy and Genevieve White invited friend Waldo Nicodemus to visit Alaska. Genevieve and Waldo Nicodemus "hitched" a boat ride to show Waldo the Leroy Gold Mine (in this photo) and other sights in Johns Hopkins Inlet and Glacier Bay.
By the next summer, Bernice Aune would marry the owner of the Leroy Gold Mine and become Mrs. Leslie "Les" Parker (having been introduced together in the Hollywood Temple in Seattle, Washington by Dorothy White).
Building & Shaft at Leroy Gold Mine, Johns Hopkins Inlet, Glacier Bay. |
Leslie Parker, Genevieve White, Glen Parker, Leroy Mining Co. miners & Waldo Nicodemus in front of compressor building just left of "East Adit" shaft opening. Click for behind the scenes story...
In 1941/42, Dorthy White, Genevieve White, Waldo Nicodemus and Bernice Aune were freshmen at the Northwest Bible Institute in Seattle Washington. Waldo Nicodemus was freshman class President, and Bernice Aune was freshman Secretary-Treasurer.
During the 1942 college summer break, sisters Dorothy and Genevieve White invited friend Waldo Nicodemus to visit Alaska. Genevieve and Waldo Nicodemus "hitched" a boat ride to show Waldo the Leroy Gold Mine (in this photo) and other sights in Johns Hopkins Inlet and Glacier Bay.
By the next summer, Bernice Aune would marry the owner of the Leroy Gold Mine and become Mrs. Leslie "Les" Parker (having been introduced together in the Hollywood Temple in Seattle, Washington by Dorothy White).
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