Historical Archives & Antiquities
Maintaining the historical
integrity of Gustavus & surrounding areas by collecting and preserving
important early documents, photos and artifacts
Ibachs 1st Trip To Juneau In 7 Years From Lemesurier Island, Alaska. |
Wonderful historic account of Joe & Muz's comings & goings on the Island, their celebrity guest lists, activities, gardening, mining, and their 1st experience with a Juneau cocktail party & nightclub. Their friendship & hospitality, "goodness and kindness" was celebrated & embraced far & wide.
Ibachs 1st Trip To Juneau In 7 Years From Lemesurier Island, Alaska. |
Wonderful historic account of Joe & Muz's comings & goings on the Island, their celebrity guest lists, activities, gardening, mining, and their 1st experience with a Juneau cocktail party & nightclub. Their friendship & hospitality, "goodness and kindness" was celebrated & embraced far & wide.
Copyright 2007. Gustavus Historical Archives & Antiquities.
P.O. Box 14, Gustavus, Alaska 99826 (907) 697-2242. All rights reserved.
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