Location Notice "Cora II" By A. F. & Jennie Parker, Glacier Bay, Alaska. |
Location notice of lode claim "Cora II" discovered September 23 and located September 28, 1938 by Albert F. "Bert" & Jennie (Chase) Parker. Witnessed by Leslie "Les" Parker and recorded in Juneau, Territory of Alaska on October 15, 1938.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned, having complied with all the requirements of law and the local rules and customs, has this day made discovery and thereby locates and claims 1500 linear feet from discovery post, extending _ feet at which point this notice is posted, as allowed by law.
This claim shall be known as the Cora II Lode Claim, and is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the discovery and running thence
300 feet Westerly to the North West corner; thence 1500 feet Southerly to the Southwest corner; thence 600 feet Easterly to the Southeast corner; thence 1500 feet Northerly to the Northeast corner; thence 300 feet Westerly to the place of beginning.
This claim is located In the Juneau Mining District on the southern shore of Reid Inlet in Glacier Bay, on the Northern slope of the Mountain east of Lampough (ed: Lamplugh) Glacier Approximately ¼ mile from Ptarmigan Creek.
Discovered Sept. 23, 1938 A. F. PARKER __ Locator,
Located Sept. 28, 1938.
witnesses: JENNIE M. PARKER Locator.
Filed for record at 9:30 o'clock, A. M., 10-15-38 Recorded in Book 29 of Lodes, page 42.
Location Notice "Cora II" By A. F. & Jennie Parker, Glacier Bay, Alaska. |
Location notice of lode claim "Cora II" discovered September 23 and located September 28, 1938 by Albert F. "Bert" & Jennie (Chase) Parker. Witnessed by Leslie "Les" Parker and recorded in Juneau, Territory of Alaska on October 15, 1938.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned, having complied with all the requirements of law and the local rules and customs, has this day made discovery and thereby locates and claims 1500 linear feet from discovery post, extending _ feet at which point this notice is posted, as allowed by law.
This claim shall be known as the Cora II Lode Claim, and is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the discovery and running thence
300 feet Westerly to the North West corner; thence 1500 feet Southerly to the Southwest corner; thence 600 feet Easterly to the Southeast corner; thence 1500 feet Northerly to the Northeast corner; thence 300 feet Westerly to the place of beginning.
This claim is located In the Juneau Mining District on the southern shore of Reid Inlet in Glacier Bay, on the Northern slope of the Mountain east of Lampough (ed: Lamplugh) Glacier Approximately ¼ mile from Ptarmigan Creek.
Discovered Sept. 23, 1938 A. F. PARKER __ Locator,
Located Sept. 28, 1938.
witnesses: JENNIE M. PARKER Locator.
Filed for record at 9:30 o'clock, A. M., 10-15-38 Recorded in Book 29 of Lodes, page 42.
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